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Main address: Margarethenstrasse 47 4053 Basel, Switzerland ,
Tel:+41 61 865 60 60 , E-mail: info(at) Website:

Clinerion Patient Network Explorer

Clinerion Patient Network Explorer

Optimized study design, precise site selection and faster patient search and identification for clinical research - in real time.

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Fireside chat with Clinerion CEO Barış Erdoğan by Natalie Yeadon, Impetus Digital

Date: Wednesday, September 1st, 2021.

Barış Erdoğan, CEO of Clinerion, sat down with Natalie Yeadon to explore how medical data informatics and real-world EHR data can be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of patient searches, identification, and recruitment; clinical trials; and drug development to ensure earlier availability of medicines.

Full details on the Impetus Digital page for the webinar >

View the recording:

View the recording:
